A Digital Down Converter ( DDC) converts an intermediate frequency ( IF) band signal into a baseband signal by using a mixer in the digital region and a low-pass decimation filter which can extract one signal channel from the received after the analog-to-digital conversion. 数字下变频的主要目的是经过数字混频将A/D转换输出中频信号搬移至基带,然后通过抽取,滤波完成信道提取的任务。
In order to realize the channel simulation for the Intermediate Frequency signal, we, inspired by the idea of Soft-defined Radio, bring forward a new design method that the channel simulator consists of several DSP chips. 为了实现对中频信号的信道仿真,开发出一个结合软件无线电思想的由多个数字信号处理芯片构成的短波信道物理仿真器。
This method can directly process IF ( Intermediate Frequency) signals, and it is independent on the modulation method and roll-off coefficient. It exhibits good SNR estimation performance under shortwave channel. 该方法能够对中频信号直接处理,与调制方式和发送端成型滤波器的滚降系数无关,在短波信道下也能较好地估计出信号的信噪比。